A specialized computer system that is part of a larger system or machine. Typically, an embedded system is housed on a single microprocessor boardwith the programs stored in ROM. Virtually all appliances that have a digital interface -- watches, microwaves, VCRs, cars -- utilize embedded systems. Some embedded systems include an operating system, but many are so specialized that the entire logic can be implemented as a single program.
Embedded computers
Embedded computers are incorporated into other devices, rather than being stand alone computers. Examples include digital cameras, mobile phones, music players, specialist IT hardware (such as networking hardware), and almost any kind of industrial or domestic control system.
As a result of the increasing use of embedded computers in consumer electronics is blurring the boundary between the markets. This is one reason why computer companies like Apple (with its Ipod) are increasingly moving into consumer electronics.
Embedded computers are being incorporated into many devices that did not previously require it. Consider the changes that have taken place in automotive electronics: not only are embedded computers being incorporated into very visible devices such as navigation systems, they are also being used to affect the fundamental functioning of cars in devices such as braking systems.
All these devices, from phones to cars, that contain embedded computers create opportunities for the supply of both hardware and software. Although much of the hardware and software is specialised for embedded use, much is also common to both computers and embedded computers. Good examples of the latter are the Linux and Java which run on everything from mainframes to mobile phones.
This means that demand for embedded computers of various types have further repercussions on demand for everything from semiconductors to software to services.
Embedded computers are not just computer systems where you can input new programs, the embedded devices are preprogrammed.
All you can do is make the most of the services that the embedded computer systems are capable of providing. Ever thought of how your digital camera or cell phone, or washing machine works? Sure they work with the support of electricity or may be they are battery powered but the functions that they execute is entirely because of the embedded systems.
Picture of the internals of an ADSL modem/router. A modern example of an embedded system. Labelled parts include a microprocessor (4), RAM (6), and flash memory
Important features of embedded computers constitute:
- The functions of the Embedded systems are not generic but rather specific.
- In most cases Embedded computers are built in parts. Usually they constitute a single board or a chip placed inside the concerned machine that it must operate.
- The software running the embedded computer systems is not stored in the disc drive but rather in the ROM. The software language used for writing the program is called FIRMWIRE.
- Embedded Computers are capable of communicating with the world outside. They do it with the help of peripherals. These peripherals comprise:
- 1.Universal Serial Bus (USB)
- 2.Synchronous Serial Communication Interface: I2C, JTAG, SPI, SSC and ESSI
3.Discrete IO: aka General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
4.Networks: Controller Area Network, Lon Works, etc.
5.Serial Communication Interfaces (SCI): RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 etc
6.Timers: PLL(s), Capture/Compare and Time Processing Units
- Digital Cameras
- Printers
- Medical equipments
- Inertial Guidance Systems
- Washing machines
- Industrial controllers
- Computer peripherals
- Thermostats
The Advantages of an Embedded SystemEmbedded systems refer to computer systems that are created to perform a set number of duties or functions. They are embedded in the sense that the computer system is embedded within a device alongside necessary hardware.
1. Design and Efficiency
- The central processing core in embedded systems is generally less complicated, making it easier to maintain. The limited function required of embedded systems allows them to be designed to most efficiently perform their functions.
- 2. Cost
- The streamlined make-up of most embedded systems allows their parts to be smaller less expensive to produce.
3. Accessibility
- Embedded systems are difficult to service because they are inside another machine, so a greater effort is made to carefully develop them. However, if something does go wrong with certain embedded systems they can be too inaccessible to repair. This concern is sometimes addressed in the design stage, such as by programming an embedded system so that it will not affect related systems negatively when malfunctioning.
4. Maintenance
- Embedded systems are easier to maintain because the supplied power is embedded in the system and does not require remote maintenance.
5. Redundancies
- Embedded systems do not involve the redundant programming and maintenance involved in other system models.DISADVANTAGES OF EMBEDDED COMPUTERS:1. They are only designed to fill a very specific role.2. They can not be used for multi purpose.USE OF EMBEDDED COMPUTERS:Embedded computer systems are mostly used in cars. The use of embedded systems in electrical products can also solve many problems of complexity and product size. For example, a modern automobile may contain dozens of embedded systems to control a wide range of processes within the car, ranging from brake balance control to air conditioning to the ignition system. Without embedded systems it would be impossible to computerise all of these features without the inclusion of a mass of complicated, fault prone electronics.